Bestseller Book Sales

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Hello! This is a company created solely for the reason of finding book sales in Toronto, ranging from expensive
to inexpensive, in order to help you find a book sale that has the books you want at the prices you want.Also so that you can find good used book stores that have the books you've
been searching for.

Library Book Sales

As you probably know, if you truly love books, and book sales, libraries always have them. They are normally
in September or October, maybe November, but that's usually as far as they go. Library book sales usually range from 10 cents to one dollar.
They have a very wide variety of books of all types, from Anna Kareninna by Leo Tolstoy all the way to childrens' books by Rold Dahl.
So, if you want to cross a bunch of books off of your reading list, these library sales are a great way to do that.

Toronto Public Library Website

School Book Sales

Many schools that have a large variety of books and are well known, often have book sales. These book sales
often include books from their library that aren't taken out, or books that have been donated by students. These sales are really good for finding used books at really low prices.

Schools With Annual Book Sales

Annual Book Sales:Most Expensive To Least

  1. Toronto Public Library sale-10 cents-50 cents on almost every book no matter the cover type. for these sales the policy
    is cash only, but if you go to the library book store, the prices are 50 cents-$5, but the books are usually around $1, and they take cards
    as well as cash
  2. Church book sales-$1 paperback, $2 hardcover, their policy is cash only
  3. University sales (certain items are more expensive)-$5 hardcover, $3 paperback, $3 or 2/$5 popular fiction,
    3/$1 or 20/$5 pocket paperback, these sales take cash, card, as well as personal cheques
  4. Trinity College annual sale-prices are not shown online, but on the first night there is a $5 admission fee, but they do take cards and cash

Public Libraries That Have Annual Book Sales

Used Book Stores

Used Book Websites

Enjoy Your Books!

Website created by Bestseller Book Sales.Company created by Monica Altshuler.